8 Kwiecień 2024 17:56
Zwykle te aktualizacje przechodzą bez echa (no chyba, że komuś się przestają aktualizować Dodatki i szuka przyczyny, gdy nowy Supervisor został wydany, ale jeszcze nie został zaktualizowany w instalacji).
Tym razem jest breaking change - instalacje obrazów generic
w VM będą oznaczane jako niewspierane (Unsupported); dla maszyn wirtualnych dedykowane są obrazy ova
(a pamiętam, że na forum przynajmniej raz się ktoś kiedyś pochwalił instalacją generic w VM, niestety nie umiem znaleźć tamtego wątku).
Więcej info
← home-assistant:unsupported-virtualization-non-ova
opened 08:36PM - 19 Mar 24 UTC
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## Proposed change
Home Assistant OS has a specific image for use on virtualized systems called `ova`. It is possible to install the `generic-x86-64` and people do but then they report issues when expected options like guest tools are missing. This lets them know they have installed the wrong image and the repair will direct them to the correct one for their environment.
## Type of change
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NOTE: Please, check only 1! box!
If your PR requires multiple boxes to be checked, you'll most likely need to
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- [ ] Dependency upgrade
- [ ] Bugfix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [x] New feature (which adds functionality to the supervisor)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix/feature causing existing functionality to break)
- [ ] Code quality improvements to existing code or addition of tests
## Additional information
Details are important, and help maintainers processing your PR.
Please be sure to fill out additional details, if applicable.
- This PR fixes or closes issue: fixes #
- This PR is related to issue:
- Link to documentation pull request:
- Translation strings for repair:
- Unsupported reason page:
- API Doc:
- Link to cli pull request:
## Checklist
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We're here to help! This is simply a reminder of what we are going to look
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- [ ] The code change is tested and works locally.
- [ ] Local tests pass. **Your PR cannot be merged unless tests pass**
- [ ] There is no commented out code in this PR.
- [ ] I have followed the [development checklist][dev-checklist]
- [ ] The code has been formatted using Ruff (`ruff format supervisor tests`)
- [ ] Tests have been added to verify that the new code works.
If API endpoints of add-on configuration are added/changed:
- [ ] Documentation added/updated for [][docs-repository]
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