Ergo Cam Meter - Supla

If you have not seen this yet, Supla is developing a solution to read meters with a camera. The product is coming from Ergo Energia.

There is a test period for the device, if you want and maybe still can to join in:

(Also this is topic as a placeholder for the future released product.)

Further link to Ergo Energia’s website:

Urządzenie do zdalnego odczytu analogowych liczników wody oraz prądu.

Na zdjęciach “Urządzenie w akcji” nie ma żadnego licznika prądu, same liczniki wody, na których łatwo zamontować to urządzenie.
Trzymam kciuki za projekt :crossed_fingers:.

I would assume, it is meant for rotary analog electricity meters. Not so many of those are around, except @artpc’s one. :wink:

The idea is good, especially the mounting. I would like to get my hands on one and use it with AI-on-the-edge rather than Supla’s servers with a AI model. I hate cloud services for IoT equipment.

Yes, I am a fossil. :joy:

Has anybody managed to get an Ergo Cam Meter?

Or is there any news on the internet what is the price of it supposed to be?