Integracja z kotłem gazowym brotje

Czy ktoś ma albo wie jak zrobić integrację z kotłem gazowym brotje WHBS regulator pokojowy to IDA

Może tam coś znajdziesz.

1 polubienie

Tylko problem w tym, że nie wiem gdzie i jaki moduł kupić. No i jak go zprogramować

Contact Fred to order one:

If you have an IDA, basically you just need to use the same two wires which goes into the IDA. All the communication is really MBUS. So they can work on the same wires, side-by-side, if I am not mistaken, but Fred can answer that as well.

Tylko gdzie to można kupić

Interface kits available!
Interface boards are available for the ESP32 upon request. These can simply be plugged on top of one of the listed microcontrollers.Getting the board from here helps supporting this project in the future, so if you are interested, please send Frederik an e-mail (German or English) to
bsb (ät)
for further informations.

You will receive an answer like this:

First of all, you have to choose the platform that you want to run the BSB-LAN adapter on:

  • Arduino Due: The original platform for this project, established for years, many add-on „shields“ available, but WiFi is a bit tricky, so its best for LAN usage.
  • ESP32 NodeMCU (30 pins): Recently added to the project, limited extensions possible, but small, cheap and has WiFi on board.
  • ESP32 Olimex EVB: An all-round mulit-purpose board with LAN, WLAN, Micro-SD card adapter and two switchable relays. Costs are about the same as an Arduino Due with Ethernet Shield.

I myself have used the Arduino Due for years but have recently switched to the Olimex EVB because of its compact footprint.
Once you have decided which platform you want to use, you can choose the BSB-LAN adapter in one of these models:

  • 20 Euros for plain PCB
  • 25 Euros for PCB plus parts
  • 40 Euros for a soldered board

These are 2021 prices, I don’t know how they are nowadays.