Ja bym się zapytał ADMINa tego forum, czy tego, co tu zacząłem nie byłoby lepie wydzielić do odrębnego wątku…
Now, back to @GSzabados comment:
well, all good, I understand your opinion about the firmware. Perhaps, the PLC telemetry + mBUS is a separate module inside the unit and the regulator certifies primarily what shows up on the display and if it matches with the results in both, PLC frames as well as mBUS telegrams (although less likely for mBUS).
The information about troublesome firmware is from this discussion thread:
By the way: similarly to the pole icon and its bars, the house icon also has a place for three bars to the right of it (and left of the pole icon). None of those bars light up in my case.
Interestingly enough, when I cut off power after the meter I could briefly see all three bars on the PLC quality indicator. Sadly, for whatever reason, they disappeared quickly and the usual single bar remained. No success with HAN activation.