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3 posty zostały scalone z istniejącym tematem: Sprzedam czytnik wmbus na bazie modułu esp-32s + CC1101
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Witaj. Tak, mam czytniki, teraz już tylko wersja na esp32:
Witaj .
Czy mógłbyś udostępnić instrukcję jak uruchomić taki zestaw w ESP Home ?
W ofercie nowe rozwiązanie Magic Reader V2, na bazie ESP32-S2 mini oraz E07-900M10S.
Info w pierwszym poście
Może warto opisać różnice, wady/zalety nowej wersji.
Sluszna uwaga, dzięki.
Zrobione (w 1 poście).
Czy mógłbyś podzielić się schematem połączenia poszczególnych pinout-ów w tej wersji (Magic Reader V2)??
Poniżej masz ładne rysunki:
mosi_pin: GPIO35
clk_pin: GPIO36
miso_pin: GPIO37
gdo2_pin: GPIO1
gdo0_pin: GPIO2
cs_pin: GPIO34
15 postów zostało podzielonych na nowy temat: W jaki sosób odebrać dane wmbus z licznika energii?
Post został podzielony na nowy temat: HA instalacja w wirtualizacji pod Windows
Oh wow Mariusz! this seems kinda like the holy grail to me!
honestly, I was surfing the web for days to be able to find a way to get data from heatmeters into my home assistant and influxdb.
I researched all those possibilities - IR-heads, ai on the edge cameras, m-bus 2wire and wireless mbus of course.
Since I am going to install about 4 heat meters in our appartment-building I am looking to track individual appartments and share/display the data to the neighbours, I was really looking for a solution to also get the specific sensor data (like flow temp and return temp).
The idea of having a device that can poll those data over the air via M-Bus wireless and being able to manage it through esphome (no dedicated raspi with linux that runs a USB device) sounds just amazing to me!
So for now I wonder if the Magic Reader will be able to do all that for me.
Will the macig reader act as a “master” in the wireless mbus network and poll the data from each (up to 4 -or even more) slave-devices on a given intervall (like every 5 minutes)?
For now I am planning to go with affordable but good “Landis & Gyr Ultraheat T230” heatmeters. Since I havent read anything about this device on GitHub - SzczepanLeon/esphome-components I wonder if anyone knows if this device will be working with the magic reader.
doing my research I figured there is quite some manufacturers that encrypt their protocols but since WMBus is an open protocol I think it should work…
@Mariusz_Woszczyński I found the device on olx.pl - but since I am from germany and dont have an account there can I buy directly from you?
No because there is no master and slave, there is no pull mechanism. Meter (wMBus device) just send data every given (programmed) interval. Reader just wait for radio transmision.
You can use reader with my component (and with ESPHome) or flash with SUPLA firmware (you will have MQTT support).
ohh! thanks for the insight!!
I did some research on how the wired MBus works, and it seems its a Master-Slave-system and the Master requests data from the meters. I thought it must be the same way with Wireless MBus.
Hmm. so it seems its more like the device just sends data on the programmed intervall no matter if there is actually any other device listening? the installed meters “always send” and just in case, lets say a metering-company drives by the house and gets a reading, the data is acutally utilized? sounds crazy to me.
I think your component with ESPHome is the most convenient, dont you think? I was checking your code on gitbub. It seems like I already need to know the meter_id ahead to be able to read data or is it also possible to just “listen” and figure out the id that way?
Have you ever tried any meter from “Landis & Gyr” and did they work out?
mhh… I need to get a “test-setup” soon to be able to dive deeper.
There is lots of wMBus modes, but for us only two are interesting - T1 and C1. Both are defined as meter-to-other.
Yes, exactly.
Maybe, but this is wMBus T1 and C1. Metering-company can use other modes.
SUPLA is also based on my code (but not maintained by me). Personaly I prefere ESPHome - because I can add more components to single ESP (for example BLE proxy).
SUPLA have nice GUI, so ESP is fladhed only once and all parameters/meters for listening are defined via www page.
Yes, there is option to log all unknown meters.
So first please start with empty sensor section and check log for ID(s). Then you can add proper meter with ID from previous step.
Po update esphome do najnowszej wersji przestało mi odczytywać 2 apatory:
09:05:20 [D] [mbus:034]
Processing T1 A frame
09:05:20 [V] [mbus:045]
Frame: 2F271C58D49F99936573859659959339CB2B4E6C5C5962D6B19974B277D63538D1F65C9A38B7326CDC663FD966A7168D73466BB0B6A3CA9966B0D4D6B1CD1370D29164B3A73FFFFFFFFFFFFBFFFFBBED3A4CE661C1836F938699326B269B9598E8CE3A4CC9B35871B2E2E26E525A (110) [RAW]
09:05:20 [V] [3of6:083]
Decode 3 out of 6 failed..
09:05:26 [V] [rxLoop:167]
Have 110 bytes from CC1101 Rx, RSSI: -88 dBm LQI: 141
09:05:26 [D] [mbus:034]
Processing T1 A frame
09:05:26 [V] [mbus:045]
Frame: 2F271C58D59635658E7D359659959359C6A94E670D5962D6B194F2CA738D7318CF396D25EA6C5CBA334ECF48E58E7A56993B2CB0E953D0D599B3138DCA64F2CB2F699A56AFFDDFFFFFE77BFFDBFED668D639B699B1A78B99C9A6C745A5C8BC8D5A966371AC5658E9D39A97137935 (110) [RAW]
09:05:26 [V] [3of6:083]
Decode 3 out of 6 failed..
09:05:55 [V] [sensor:043]
'WiFi Signal dB': Received new state -59.000000
09:05:55 [D] [sensor:094]
'WiFi Signal dB': Sending state -59.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
09:05:55 [V] [json:038]
Attempting to allocate 512 bytes for JSON serialization
Wyłączyłem nawet drugi licznik aby sprawdzić czy to to:
# package_import_url: github://MariuszWoszczynski/wmbus-reader-v2/wmbus-reader-v2.yaml@main
# import_full_config: true
name: "wmbus-reader-v2"
friendly_name: "wmbus reader v2"
status_led: GPIO15
name: "${name}"
friendly_name: "${friendly_name}"
name: esphome.wmbus_reader_v2
version: "1.0"
# only for RPI
compile_process_limit: 1
board: lolin_s2_mini
type: arduino
- source: github://SzczepanLeon/esphome-components@main
components: [ wmbus ]
refresh: 0d
- platform: sntp
id: time_sntp
# Enable logging
level: VERBOSE
# Enable Home Assistant API
key: "xxx"
- platform: esphome
ssid: "xxx"
password: "xxx"
power_save_mode: LIGHT
fast_connect: true
reboot_timeout: 10min
output_power: 18dB
# static IP configuration (instead of data from the secret file)
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "WMBUS Reader v2"
# password: "xxx"
# Status LED for connection
# Blue LED
number: ${status_led}
port: 80
mosi_pin: GPIO35
clk_pin: GPIO36
miso_pin: GPIO37
gdo2_pin: GPIO1
gdo0_pin: GPIO2
cs_pin: GPIO34
log_unknown: true
# For Apator16-2 water meter please add also text sensor (for debug purposes):
- platform: wmbus
name: "Text debug for Apator 16-2"
#diagnostic info
- platform: wifi_info
name: 'IP Address'
icon: mdi:wifi
name: 'Connected SSID'
icon: mdi:wifi-strength-2
# Reports the WiFi signal strength/RSSI in dB
- platform: wifi_signal
name: "WiFi Signal dB"
id: wifi_signal_db
update_interval: 60s
entity_category: "diagnostic"
# first sensor (water)
- platform: wmbus
meter_id: 0x02360965
type: apator162
add_prefix: false
key: "00000000000000000000000000000000"
name: "My lqi"
name: "My RSSI"
name: "Licznik Główny"
# force_update: true
# filters: #optional
# - offset: 123.4567 #the difference between the indications of the radio overlay and the counter (if you have a used overlay)
# second sensor (water)
# - platform: wmbus
# meter_id: 0x06327749
# type: apator162
# add_prefix: false
# key: "00000000000000000000000000000000"
# lqi:
# name: "My lqi 2"
# rssi:
# name: "My RSSI 2"
# total_water_m3:
# name: "Licznik Ogród"
# force_update: true
# filters: #optional
# - offset: 123.4567 #the difference between the indications of the radio overlay and the counter (if you have a used overlay)
# more options on https://github.com/SzczepanLeon/esphome-components
- platform: restart
name: "Restart"
pomogło dodanie sync_mode: true
mosi_pin: GPIO35
clk_pin: GPIO36
miso_pin: GPIO37
gdo2_pin: GPIO1
gdo0_pin: GPIO2
cs_pin: GPIO34
log_unknown: true
sync_mode: true
U mnie jakoś dziwnie działa z izar. Jakby na starcie był robiony odczyt, a później przestaje się aktualizować. Dokładnie widać po wgraniu jakichś zmian (np. przestawiłem poziom logowania).
Próbowałem w różnych miejscach - czytnik leżał na nakładce / obok / antenką do dołu / trochę oddalony od licznika. Czasami na chwilę zrobi odczyt po zmianie i później na nowo przestaje.
logs_wmbus-reader-v2_run.zip (13,1 KB)