Tp-link żarówki : Powolne rozjaśnianie i ściemnianie

Jak zmusić żarówki Tp-link do powolnej zmiany jasności świecenia ?
Na żarówce LIFX działa znakomicie poniższa konfiguracja :

service: light.turn_on
brightness_pct: 20
transition: 2
entity_id: light.lifx_mini_w_30bb7d

Jeśli zastosuję tą konfiguracje do Tp-link żarówka przyjmuje od razu stan - brightness_pct: xx.
Próbowałem różnych sposobów , niestety bez pozytywnych rezultatów .
Jakby ktoś miał pomysł jak to skonfigurować był bym bardzo wdzięczny :grinning:

Cała domena LIGHT

entity_id Name(s) of entities to turn on
transition Duration in seconds it takes to get to next state 60
rgb_color Color for the light in RGB-format. [255, 100, 100]
color_name A human readable color name. red
hs_color Color for the light in hue/sat format. Hue is 0-360 and Sat is 0-100. [300, 70]
xy_color Color for the light in XY-format. [0.52, 0.43]
color_temp Color temperature for the light in mireds. 250
kelvin Color temperature for the light in Kelvin. 4000
white_value Number between 0…255 indicating level of white. 250
brightness Number between 0…255 indicating brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 255 is the maximum brightness supported by the light. 120
brightness_pct Number between 0…100 indicating percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness and 100 is the maximum brightness supported by the light. 47
brightness_step Change brightness by an amount. Should be between -255…255. -25.5
brightness_step_pct Change brightness by a percentage. Should be between -100…100. -10
profile Name of a light profile to use. relax
flash If the light should flash. Valid values are short and long. short
effect Light effect.