Update Home Assistant


mam problem ponieważ nie mogę zaktualizować Home Assistant Core ale także nie mogę zaktualizować Operating System. Wiecie co może być problemem?

Zajrzyj w logi supervisora (z GUI znajdziesz je tak: Supervisor → System, a w dolnej części ekranu wybierasz dostawca logów: “Supervisor”, co swoją drogą jest domyślnie wybrane, ale z tego miejsca można przejrzeć tez inne logi).

Strzelam w ciemno, ale jeśli to RPi na karcie TF, to karta być może kończy żywot, jeśli wirtualizacja to może natomiast być problem z brakiem miejsca, ale same screenshoty z informacją, że jest jakiś nieokreślony błąd wiele nam nie dają.
W drugim przypadku bład jest jeszcze ciekawszy - wygląda jakby HA Core był zawieszony, tu można po prostu spróbować zwykłego restartu HA (tak naprawdę HA Core): Konfiguracja → Kontrola serwera → Zarządzanie serwerem → Uruchom Ponownie, a następnie zobaczyć czy instalacja nadal żyje i daje się aktualizować.

Generalnie zgrałbym działające snapshoty w bezpieczne miejsce i spróbował ponownego rozruchu hosta (w “elegancki” sposób, czyli z tego samego miejsca co logi, tylko z karty “Host”), bo taka sytuacja zwykle pachnie koniecznością instalacji od nowa (przyczyną może być jakiś drastyczny błąd w konfiguracji).

Przykładowy kawałek takiego logu (tu akurat z błędami wynikającymi z uruchomienia zbyt wielu aktualizacji w zbyt krótkim czasie)

21-10-08 14:46:16 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.backups.manager] Backing up 3b8c8f9e store Add-ons
21-10-08 14:46:16 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.utils] Can't execute export_image while a task is in progress
21-10-08 14:46:16 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.addon] Building backup for add-on ccab4aaf_frigate
21-10-08 14:46:16 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.addon] Finish backup for addon ccab4aaf_frigate
21-10-08 14:46:16 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.backups.manager] Creating partial backup with slug 3b8c8f9e completed
21-10-08 14:46:16 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.utils] Can't execute update while a task is in progress
21-10-08 14:46:16 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons] Add-on 'ccab4aaf_frigate' successfully updated
21-10-08 14:46:16 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.utils] Can't execute cleanup while a task is in progress
21-10-08 14:46:28 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.backups.manager] Found 22 backup files
21-10-08 14:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.PWNED/ContextType.ADDON
21-10-08 14:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.SECURITY/ContextType.CORE
21-10-08 14:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.FREE_SPACE/ContextType.SYSTEM
21-10-08 14:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.check] System checks complete
21-10-08 14:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluate] Starting system evaluation with state CoreState.RUNNING
21-10-08 14:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluate] System evaluation complete
21-10-08 14:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.fixup] Starting system autofix at state CoreState.RUNNING
21-10-08 14:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.fixup] System autofix complete
21-10-08 14:59:28 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.store.git] Update add-on https://github.com/hassio-addons/repository repository
21-10-08 14:59:28 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.store.git] Update add-on https://github.com/danielwelch/hassio-zigbee2mqtt repository
21-10-08 14:59:28 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.store.git] Update add-on https://github.com/yllibed/hassio repository
21-10-08 14:59:28 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.store.git] Update add-on https://github.com/sabeechen/hassio-google-drive-backup repository
21-10-08 14:59:28 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.store.git] Update add-on https://github.com/home-assistant/addons repository
21-10-08 14:59:30 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config 'snapshot' is deprecated, 'backup' should be used instead. Please report this to the maintainer of UniFi Controller
21-10-08 14:59:31 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config 'snapshot_exclude' is deprecated, 'backup_exclude' should be used instead. Please report this to the maintainer of AdGuard Home
21-10-08 14:59:32 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config 'snapshot' is deprecated, 'backup' should be used instead. Please report this to the maintainer of UniFi Controller
21-10-08 14:59:32 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config 'snapshot_exclude' is deprecated, 'backup_exclude' should be used instead. Please report this to the maintainer of AdGuard Home
21-10-08 14:59:32 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.store] Loading add-ons from store: 68 all - 0 new - 0 remove
21-10-08 14:59:32 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.store] Loading add-ons from store: 68 all - 0 new - 0 remove
21-10-08 15:11:41 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Updated Home Assistant API token
21-10-08 15:41:42 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Updated Home Assistant API token
21-10-08 15:50:26 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.middleware.security] /supervisor/info access from cebe7a76_hassio_google_drive_backup
21-10-08 15:50:26 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.middleware.security] /backups access from cebe7a76_hassio_google_drive_backup
21-10-08 15:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.check] Starting system checks with state CoreState.RUNNING
21-10-08 15:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.TRUST/ContextType.CORE
21-10-08 15:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.TRUST/ContextType.PLUGIN
21-10-08 15:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.TRUST/ContextType.SUPERVISOR
21-10-08 15:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.PWNED/ContextType.ADDON
21-10-08 15:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.SECURITY/ContextType.CORE
21-10-08 15:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.FREE_SPACE/ContextType.SYSTEM
21-10-08 15:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.check] System checks complete
21-10-08 15:56:23 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluate] Starting system evaluation with state CoreState.RUNNING
21-10-08 15:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluate] System evaluation complete
21-10-08 15:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.fixup] Starting system autofix at state CoreState.RUNNING
21-10-08 15:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.fixup] System autofix complete
21-10-08 16:08:04 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.host.info] Updating local host information
21-10-08 16:08:05 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.host.services] Updating service information
21-10-08 16:08:05 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.host.network] Updating local network information
21-10-08 16:08:08 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.host.sound] Updating PulseAudio information
21-10-08 16:08:08 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.host.manager] Host information reload completed
21-10-08 16:11:43 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Updated Home Assistant API token
21-10-08 16:41:46 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Updated Home Assistant API token
21-10-08 16:50:28 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.middleware.security] /supervisor/info access from cebe7a76_hassio_google_drive_backup
21-10-08 16:50:28 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.middleware.security] /backups access from cebe7a76_hassio_google_drive_backup
21-10-08 16:56:00 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.updater] Fetching update data from https://version.home-assistant.io/stable.json
21-10-08 16:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.check] Starting system checks with state CoreState.RUNNING
21-10-08 16:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.TRUST/ContextType.CORE
21-10-08 16:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.TRUST/ContextType.PLUGIN
21-10-08 16:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.TRUST/ContextType.SUPERVISOR
21-10-08 16:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.PWNED/ContextType.ADDON
21-10-08 16:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.SECURITY/ContextType.CORE
21-10-08 16:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.FREE_SPACE/ContextType.SYSTEM
21-10-08 16:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.check] System checks complete
21-10-08 16:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluate] Starting system evaluation with state CoreState.RUNNING
21-10-08 16:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluate] System evaluation complete
21-10-08 16:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.fixup] Starting system autofix at state CoreState.RUNNING
21-10-08 16:56:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.fixup] System autofix complete
21-10-08 17:11:47 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Updated Home Assistant API token
21-10-08 17:17:18 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.middleware.security] /backups/4af11802 access from cebe7a76_hassio_google_drive_backup
21-10-08 17:17:18 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.backups.manager] Removed backup file 4af11802
21-10-08 17:17:19 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.middleware.security] /supervisor/info access from cebe7a76_hassio_google_drive_backup
21-10-08 17:17:19 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.middleware.security] /backups access from cebe7a76_hassio_google_drive_backup
21-10-08 17:17:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.middleware.security] /supervisor/info access from cebe7a76_hassio_google_drive_backup
21-10-08 17:17:24 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.middleware.security] /backups access from cebe7a76_hassio_google_drive_backup
21-10-08 17:18:17 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.backups.manager] Found 2 backup files
21-10-08 17:18:17 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.backups.manager] Found 2 backup files
21-10-08 17:41:48 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Updated Home Assistant API token

W tym fragmencie logu nie ma żadnych błędów. Powinieneś zamieścić log z momentu gdy były problemy (zapewne przed restartem hosta/supervisora/core).
Spróbuj aktualizacji i jeśli będą błędy zamieść logi.

PS było po jednym odwrotnym apostrofie za mało, żeby to wyglądało czytelnie.

PPS wydaje się, że twoje problemy wynikają z braku aktualizacji Supervisora do ostatniej wersji

Screenshot - 08.10.2021 , 22_03_57
To zawsze się wiąże z wykonywaniem jakiś operacji w tle (Baza Danych, Kopia zapasowa) Jeżeli to kopia zapasowa to trzeba spokojnie poczekać aż zostanie wykonana, czas zależny od wielkości Całego HA, inne operacje jak aktualizacja są wstrzymywane do zakończenia kopi zapasowej .