[Zlecę] Prośba o wsparcie - Mieszkam w Wieliczce szukam kogoś kto się zna


Planuję stworzyć inteligentny system automatyzacji domu oparty na Zigbee i integracji z Google Home. Mieszkam w Wieliczce i szukam osoby, która ma doświadczenie w tym temacie i mogłaby mi fachowo doradzić oraz pomóc w realizacji tego projektu. Oferuję wynagrodzenie za pomoc.

Moje plany:

  • Zintegrować urządzenia, które już posiadam:
    • Odkurzacz Dreame Z Pro 10 – chcę zdalnie uruchamiać odkurzanie całego piętra lub wybranych pomieszczeń.
    • Piec gazowy Vaillant Ecocompact VSC Int 126/2-C 140 ze sterownikiem calorMATIC 330 – zależy mi na zdalnym sterowaniu temperaturą i harmonogramami.
    • Klimatyzator Gree GWH12AGB-K6DNA1A – chciałbym zdalnie włączać, wyłączać i sterować jego ustawieniami.
    • Sieć Wi-Fi TP-Link Deco M4 – stabilna sieć Mesh obejmująca cały dom.
  • Dodać nowe funkcje:
    • Sterowanie oświetleniem w salonie (myślę o wymianie włączników na kompatybilne z Zigbee).
    • Zdalne głośniki w salonie z integracją z Google Home.
    • Możliwość sterowania głosowego oraz za pomocą aplikacji (np. włączanie prądu w gniazdkach).

Moje oczekiwania:

  • Centralne zarządzanie wszystkimi urządzeniami w jednej aplikacji (Google Home).
  • Hub lub tablet w salonie jako centrum sterowania.
  • Skalowalny system pozwalający na dodawanie nowych urządzeń w przyszłości.

Czego potrzebuję:

  • Fachowej porady w zakresie doboru sprzętu (np. włączniki światła, głośniki, hub).
  • Pomocy w przygotowaniu planu instalacji i integracji urządzeń w jeden system.
  • Wsparcia przy montażu i konfiguracji.

Jeśli ktoś z okolic Wieliczki ma doświadczenie w temacie inteligentnych domów i mógłby mi pomóc – bardzo proszę o kontakt. Oferuję wynagrodzenie za wsparcie!

Pozdrawiam serdecznie,

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EDIT: Seeing that @Emil_Kos is unable to give even a lifesign after a week, I consider that the user would just waste anybody’s time. If it is hard enough to translate my English comments to Polish and give any answer, then likely a smarthome would be an even bigger challenge.

If you are seeking offers on a community forum, I would advise go to a professional.

Not my favourite, because he gives regularly rude answers to users, but does offer consulting services:


Is it a statement or a “want” / “would like”?

Do you already have a Home Assistant installation to support the whole setup into Google Home? I am asking, because Zigbee is not an out of the box feature of Google Home, you need a Coordinator or Hub/Bridge for that which has to be added to Google Home.

I guess you must be able to speak English or German, Dutch, Danish, French Spanish, Italian…, as to my best knowledge none of the Google Home speakers are speaking Polish.

For this you can follow these instructions to integrate into Google Home:

It is a bit old, like 3 years old, and can be that some things have changed since.

For Home Assistant, you will likely need this custom component throgh HACS:

In the supported list there is the Z10 Pro, and looks like the integration is maintained:

To integrate into Home Assistant you will likely need this custom component from HACS, if your heater is a connected one, I have no clue from the zillion of Vaillant models which one is connected and how it can be made connected, but looking at the calorMATIC 330, it is a simple version, so maybe better to replace that controller to a modern one. But here is the integration for modern version:

Again, this is maintained as well:

I cannot comment on it that would it work with your actual model, and what the integration provides. Better to ask in one of the specific topics here or on the HA community forum.


Hence the comment in the Github repo’s read me document:

Known Issues

Lack of Test Data for Different Systems

Your HVAC system might differ from the ones in Tested on above. If you don’t see any entities, or get an error during setup, please check Debugging below and create an issue. With debugging enabled, there’s a chance to find the culprit in the data returned by the myVAILLANT API and fix it.

But looking at the calorMATIC 330 (if the one linked below is the manual for it), you likely need a new controller:

I have not shopped for controllers recently, but Google Nest is almost always an option and integrates well into Google Home. Otherwise there are at least a dozen brands which produces room thermostats with connected services, the best to choose one which integrates locally to (anything) Home Assistant and has Google Home integration as well through cloud, if you really need that.

This page says that the model has built in WiFi modul, so you should have added it to the Gree app already.


For Google Home integration you need to follow this instruction:

Gree ACs should work as default with the built in Home Assistant integration: