Komponent wM-Bus do ESPHome (SzczepanLeon) wersja 4.x - wątek ogólny

Ten żółty mowi o tym że w driverze nie zdefiniowano w jakim modzie może być telegram (czy T1 czy C1). W tym przypadku oba będą obrabiane.

W tym żółtym tez powinna być zawarta nazwa drivera. W przykładzie nie ma co oznacza że driver dla tego telegramu nie jest dostepny w firmware.

Pokaz wiecej loga aby zweryfikowac czy wszystko jest OK. Najlepiej razem z printoutem konfiguracji.

Ogólnie to robię przesiadkę z 3 na 4.
Wodomierze są odczytywane bez problemu.

W kodzie jest jeszcze trochę śmieci:

  name: esp32-w-mbus
  friendly_name: ESP32-W-MBus
  comment: IP

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

  - source: github://SzczepanLeon/esphome-components
    components: [ wmbus ]
    refresh: 0d 

# Enable logging

  - platform: sntp
    id: time_sntp

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

  - platform: esphome
    password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
#   num_attempts: 5
#   safe_mode: no

  ssid: "xxxxxxx"
  password: !secret wifi_xxxxxx
#  ssid: "GG"
#  password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  power_save_mode: none
#  use_address:
#  output_power: 17
#  fast_connect: true

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Esp32-W-Mbus Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "esp32pass"


  mosi_pin: GPIO32
  clk_pin:  GPIO33 
  miso_pin: GPIO19
  gdo2_pin: GPIO21
  gdo0_pin: GPIO22
  cs_pin:   GPIO23
#  log_unknown: true
  led_pin: GPIO2
  led_blink_time: "1s"

- platform: wmbus
  meter_id: 0x93410922
  #add_prefix: false
  type: mkradio4
  #key: "00000000000000000000000000000000"
  - name: "Zimna woda"
    field: "total"
    accuracy_decimals: 4
    unit_of_measurement: "m³"
    device_class: "water"
    state_class: "total_increasing"
    icon: "mdi:water"
      - offset: -0.023
  - name: "RSSI Zimna woda"
    field: "rssi"
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: "dBm"
    device_class: "signal_strength"
    state_class: "measurement"
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
    icon: "mdi:wifi"
#  - name: "Zimna LQI"
#    field: "lqi"
#    device_class: "signal_strength"
#    state_class: "measurement"
#    entity_category: "diagnostic"
- platform: wmbus
  meter_id: 0x93410895
  #add_prefix: false
  type: mkradio4
  #key: "00000000000000000000000000000000"
  - name: "Ciepla woda"
    field: "total"
    accuracy_decimals: 4
    unit_of_measurement: "m³"
    device_class: "water"
    state_class: "total_increasing"
    icon: "mdi:water"
      - offset: 0.034
  - name: "RSSI Ciepla woda"
    field: "rssi"
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: "dBm"
    device_class: "signal_strength"
    state_class: "measurement"
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
    icon: "mdi:wifi"
#  - name: "Ciepla LQI"
#    field: "lqi"
#    device_class: "signal_strength"
#    state_class: "measurement"
#    entity_category: "diagnostic"
- platform: wifi_signal
  name: "WLAN Signal"
  id: wifi_signal_db
  update_interval: 60s
  entity_category: "diagnostic"
  icon: "mdi:wifi"
- platform: copy # Reports the WiFi signal strength in %
  source_id: wifi_signal_db
  name: "WiFi signal %"
  id: wifi_signal_pp
  - lambda: return min(max(2 * (x + 100.0), 0.0), 100.0);
  unit_of_measurement: "%"
  entity_category: "diagnostic"
  icon: "mdi:wifi"

- platform: uptime
  name: "Uptime Wodomierze"  

 - platform: wifi_info
     name: "IP"
     icon: "mdi:wifi"
     name: "SSID"
     icon: "mdi:wifi"
     name: "MAC"
     icon: "mdi:wifi"

  port: 80
  version: 3
#  ota: false
#  auth:
#    username: admin
#    password: !secret webserver

- platform: restart
  name: "ESP32-W-MBus Restart"
  id: restart_switch
  icon: mdi:restart

#  pin:
#    number: D4
#    inverted: true


PS. z którego miejsca skopiować loga, żeby ładnie z kolorowaniem był w poście ?
Z poziomu HA w dodatku esphome, oraz na stronie przy włączonym web_serwer - rozjeżdża mi się przy wklejaniu do posta.

[11:32:15][D][mbus:014]: Received C1 A frame
[11:32:15][W][wmbus:076]: Link modes not defined in driver . Processing anyway.
[11:32:57][D][sensor:094]: 'Uptime Wodomierze': Sending state 584.52502 s with 0 decimals of accuracy
[11:33:02][D][mbus:014]: Received C1 A frame
[11:33:02][D][crc:035]:     calculated: 0xC93A, read: 0xF4CA  !!!
[11:33:04][D][sensor:094]: 'WLAN Signal': Sending state -67.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
[11:33:04][D][sensor:094]: 'WiFi signal %': Sending state 66.00000 % with 0 decimals of accuracy
[11:33:06][D][mbus:014]: Received C1 A frame
[11:33:06][W][wmbus:076]: Link modes not defined in driver . Processing anyway.
[11:33:06][I][wmbus:091]:  [0x93410895] RSSI: -54dBm T: 3644685095084193953772824366632423FE06518820257616A72FAE3594D69E85515BD0197AFFAD298770A19B2A37A140C6E2E018E247 (55) C1 A
[11:33:06][W][wmbus:095]: Can't find driver for T: 3644685095084193953772824366632423FE06518820257616A72FAE3594D69E85515BD0197AFFAD298770A19B2A37A140C6E2E018E247 (55)
[11:33:06][W][component:237]: Component wmbus took a long time for an operation (56 ms).
[11:33:06][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[11:33:07][D][mbus:035]: Received T1 A frame
[11:33:11][D][mbus:014]: Received C1 A frame
[11:33:11][W][wmbus:076]: Link modes not defined in driver . Processing anyway.
[11:33:16][D][mbus:014]: Received C1 A frame
[11:33:16][W][wmbus:076]: Link modes not defined in driver . Processing anyway.
[11:33:29][D][mbus:014]: Received C1 A frame
[11:33:29][W][wmbus:076]: Link modes not defined in driver . Processing anyway.

Nie da się wkleić kolorowego loga jako tekst, bo za kolory odpowiadają takie atrybuty tekstu, jakich nie wkleisz.

Jak wkleić żeby było tak:

Post z tego tematu.

Tak to jest standardowe kolorowanie dla bodajże YAMLa ono nic nie ma wspólnego z logami (edit jednak to chyba kolorowanie dla c++ - zmieniłem Ci posta, normalnie forum samo wykrywa na podstawie zawartości jakie kolorowanie dodać, więc jak nie określisz co jest w środku to będzie jakieś losowe)

by uniknąć losowości można otworzyć blok kodu tak: ```text (wtedy nie będzie kolorowania)

jeśli się upierasz kolorować jak dla c++ to otwórz blok ```cpp

1 polubienie

Dzięki za podpowiedź odnośnie wklejania.
A teraz wróćmy do tego:
Log ustawiony na VERBOSE

Link modes not defined in driver . Processing anyway.
[14:30:14][V][mbus:018]: Frame: 36446850210941939537032472100668632423FE07F94320258D7DA5403826007C5E2084F1F051C7CFB4E56E306BB39B21163A41AE5869EFB63C7A98332093 (63) [with CRC]
[14:30:14][V][mbus:096]: Validating CRC for Block1
[14:30:14][V][crc:031]:     calculated: 0x0324, read: 0x0324
[14:30:14][V][mbus:116]: Validating CRC for Block2
[14:30:14][V][crc:031]:     calculated: 0x4038, read: 0x4038
[14:30:14][V][mbus:116]: Validating CRC for Block3
[14:30:14][V][crc:031]:     calculated: 0xB39B, read: 0xB39B
[14:30:14][V][mbus:116]: Validating CRC for Block4
[14:30:14][V][crc:031]:     calculated: 0x2093, read: 0x2093
[14:30:14][V][mbus:063]: Frame: 3644685021094193953772100668632423FE07F94320258D7DA526007C5E2084F1F051C7CFB4E56E306B21163A41AE5869EFB63C7A9833 (55) [without CRC]
[14:30:14][V][Telegram.cpp:1131]: (wmbus) parseDLL @0 55
[14:30:14][V][Telegram.cpp:1178]: (wmbus) parseELL @10 45
[14:30:14][V][Telegram.cpp:1333]: (wmbus) parseNWL @10 45
[14:30:14][V][Telegram.cpp:1391]: (wmbus) parseAFL @10 45
[14:30:14][V][Telegram.cpp:2078]: (wmbus) parseTPL @10 45
[14:30:15][W][wmbus:076]: Link modes not defined in driver . Processing anyway.

To teraz podeślij logi od momentu jak ESPHome wypluwa konfiguracje.

Najprawdopodobniej załapałeś się na scenariusz:

Jak masz właściwy driver wybrany to musisz pomieszać sekcjami w YAMLu.

[19:30:51][I][app:100]: ESPHome version 2024.9.2 compiled on Oct 10 2024, 14:43:03
[19:30:51][C][wifi:600]: WiFi:
[19:30:51][C][wifi:428]:   Local MAC: 40:91:51:FD:81:C0
[19:30:51][C][wifi:433]:   SSID: [redacted]
[19:30:51][C][wifi:436]:   IP Address:
[19:30:51][C][wifi:440]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[19:30:51][C][wifi:441]:   Hostname: 'esp32-w-mbus'
[19:30:51][C][wifi:443]:   Signal strength: -70 dB ▂▄▆█
[19:30:51][V][wifi:445]:   Priority: 0.0
[19:30:51][C][wifi:447]:   Channel: 1
[19:30:51][C][wifi:448]:   Subnet:
[19:30:51][C][wifi:449]:   Gateway:
[19:30:51][C][wifi:450]:   DNS1:
[19:30:51][C][wifi:451]:   DNS2:
[19:30:51][C][logger:185]: Logger:
[19:30:51][C][logger:186]:   Level: VERBOSE
[19:30:51][C][logger:188]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[19:30:51][C][logger:189]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[19:30:51][C][uptime.sensor:033]: Uptime Sensor 'Uptime Wodomierze'
[19:30:51][C][uptime.sensor:033]:   Device Class: 'duration'
[19:30:51][C][uptime.sensor:033]:   State Class: 'total_increasing'
[19:30:51][C][uptime.sensor:033]:   Unit of Measurement: 's'
[19:30:51][C][uptime.sensor:033]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[19:30:51][C][uptime.sensor:033]:   Icon: 'mdi:timer-outline'
[19:30:51][V][uptime.sensor:033]:   Unique ID: '409151fd81c0-uptime'
[19:30:51][C][uptime.sensor:034]:   Type: Seconds
[19:30:51][C][copy.sensor:015]: Copy Sensor 'WiFi signal %'
[19:30:51][C][copy.sensor:015]:   Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[19:30:51][C][copy.sensor:015]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[19:30:51][C][copy.sensor:015]:   Unit of Measurement: '%'
[19:30:51][C][copy.sensor:015]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[19:30:51][C][copy.sensor:015]:   Icon: 'mdi:wifi'
[19:30:51][C][wifi_info:014]: WifiInfo Mac Address 'MAC'
[19:30:51][C][wifi_info:014]:   Icon: 'mdi:wifi'
[19:30:51][V][wifi_info:014]:   Unique ID: '409151fd81c0-wifiinfo-macadr'
[19:30:51][C][restart:068]: Restart Switch 'ESP32-W-MBus Restart'
[19:30:51][C][restart:070]:   Icon: 'mdi:restart'
[19:30:51][C][restart:091]:   Restore Mode: always OFF
[19:30:51][C][captive_portal:089]: Captive Portal:
[19:30:51][C][web_server:145]: Web Server:
[19:30:51][C][web_server:146]:   Address:
[19:30:51][C][sntp:048]: SNTP Time:
[19:30:51][C][sntp:049]:   Server 1: '0.pool.ntp.org'
[19:30:51][C][sntp:050]:   Server 2: '1.pool.ntp.org'
[19:30:51][C][sntp:051]:   Server 3: '2.pool.ntp.org'
[19:30:51][C][sntp:052]:   Timezone: 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3'
[19:30:51][C][mdns:116]: mDNS:
[19:30:51][C][mdns:117]:   Hostname: esp32-w-mbus
[19:30:51][V][mdns:118]:   Services:
[19:30:51][V][mdns:120]:   - _esphomelib, _tcp, 6053
[19:30:51][V][mdns:122]:     TXT: friendly_name = ESP32-W-MBus
[19:30:51][V][mdns:122]:     TXT: version = 2024.9.2
[19:30:51][V][mdns:122]:     TXT: mac = 409151fd81c0
[19:30:51][V][mdns:122]:     TXT: platform = ESP32
[19:30:51][V][mdns:122]:     TXT: board = esp32dev
[19:30:51][V][mdns:122]:     TXT: network = wifi
[19:30:51][V][mdns:122]:     TXT: api_encryption = Noise_NNpsk0_25519_ChaChaPoly_SHA256
[19:30:51][V][mdns:120]:   - _http, _tcp, 80
[19:30:51][C][esphome.ota:073]: Over-The-Air updates:
[19:30:51][C][esphome.ota:074]:   Address:
[19:30:51][C][esphome.ota:075]:   Version: 2
[19:30:51][C][esphome.ota:078]:   Password configured
[19:30:51][C][safe_mode:018]: Safe Mode:
[19:30:51][C][safe_mode:020]:   Boot considered successful after 60 seconds
[19:30:51][C][safe_mode:021]:   Invoke after 10 boot attempts
[19:30:51][C][safe_mode:023]:   Remain in safe mode for 300 seconds
[19:30:52][C][api:139]: API Server:
[19:30:52][C][api:140]:   Address:
[19:30:52][C][api:142]:   Using noise encryption: YES
[19:30:52][C][wifi_signal.sensor:010]: WiFi Signal 'WLAN Signal'
[19:30:52][C][wifi_signal.sensor:010]:   Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[19:30:52][C][wifi_signal.sensor:010]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[19:30:52][C][wifi_signal.sensor:010]:   Unit of Measurement: 'dBm'
[19:30:52][C][wifi_signal.sensor:010]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[19:30:52][C][wifi_signal.sensor:010]:   Icon: 'mdi:wifi'
[19:30:52][V][wifi_signal.sensor:010]:   Unique ID: '409151fd81c0-wifisignal'
[19:30:52][C][wifi_info:012]: WifiInfo SSID 'SSID'
[19:30:52][C][wifi_info:012]:   Icon: 'mdi:wifi'
[19:30:52][V][wifi_info:012]:   Unique ID: '409151fd81c0-wifiinfo-ssid'
[19:30:52][C][wifi_info:010]: WifiInfo IPAddress 'IP'
[19:30:52][C][wifi_info:010]:   Icon: 'mdi:wifi'
[19:30:52][V][wifi_info:010]:   Unique ID: '409151fd81c0-wifiinfo-ip'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:305]: wM-Bus v4.0.9-1.17.1-b8f4a945:
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:318]:   LED:
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:319]:     Pin: GPIO2
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:320]:     Duration: 1000 ms
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:323]:   MAC: FD519140
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:325]:   CC1101 frequency: 868.950 MHz
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:326]:   CC1101 SPI bus:
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:330]:     MOSI Pin: GPIO32
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:331]:     MISO Pin: GPIO19
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:332]:     CLK Pin:  GPIO33
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:333]:     CS Pin:   GPIO23
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:334]:     GDO0 Pin: GPIO22
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:335]:     GDO2 Pin: GPIO21
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:341]:   Available drivers: unknown, mkradio4
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:355]:   Meter:
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:356]:     ID: 2470512789 [0x93410895]
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:357]:     Type: mkradio4
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:358]:     Key: ''
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:360]:     Field: 'rssi'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:      Name: 'RSSI Ciepla woda'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        State Class: 'measurement'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Unit of Measurement: 'dBm'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Accuracy Decimals: 0
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Icon: 'mdi:wifi'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:360]:     Field: 'total'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:      Name: 'Ciepla woda'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Device Class: 'water'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        State Class: 'total_increasing'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Unit of Measurement: 'm³'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Accuracy Decimals: 4
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Icon: 'mdi:water'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:355]:   Meter:
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:356]:     ID: 2470512930 [0x93410922]
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:357]:     Type: mkradio4
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:358]:     Key: ''
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:360]:     Field: 'lqi'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:      Name: 'Zimna LQI'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        State Class: ''
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Unit of Measurement: ''
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Accuracy Decimals: 0
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:360]:     Field: 'rssi'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:      Name: 'RSSI Zimna woda'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        State Class: 'measurement'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Unit of Measurement: 'dBm'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Accuracy Decimals: 0
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Icon: 'mdi:wifi'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:360]:     Field: 'total'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:      Name: 'Zimna woda'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Device Class: 'water'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        State Class: 'total_increasing'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Unit of Measurement: 'm³'
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Accuracy Decimals: 4
[19:30:52][C][wmbus:361]:        Icon: 'mdi:water'

Mieszam tymi sekcjami i nadal nie mogę sie pozbyć komunikatu.
Zostawiłem nawet tylko 1 wodomierz - bez zmian.
Usunąłem oba wodomierze - bez zmian.

@tOmki Już wiem co się tu zadziało. Poprawka w drodze. W skrócie to brak detekcji tego miernika w driverze.

1 polubienie

Jaką składnie ma lqi w wersji 4.x ?
Kombinuję na różne sposoby i nie wychodzi.
W wersji 3.x nie miałem problemu.

 - name: "Zimna LQI"
    field: "lqi"
    unit_of_measurement: " "
    state_class: "measurement"
    entity_category: "diagnostic"

Było, nie ma LQI w v4.0
btw dla informacji, 4.0.10 zawiera poprawkę o której było wcześniej

1 polubienie

A to lqi, które jest w logach ?

Have 65 bytes from CC1101 Rx, RSSI: -66 dBm LQI: 128

Jest tylko w logach.

I ostatni “paproch” w logach:

[W][wmbus:124]: Link mode C1 not supported in driver mkradio4

To nie paproch - poprostu w wmbusmetersie uznali że ten driver tylko T1 obsługuje. Zmienię to w nowej wersji.

1 polubienie

Zauważyłem że dodałeś na github “Add C1 LinkMode to mkradio4”, więc zrobiłem reinstal.
Yamla nic nie zmieniałem i teraz takie rzeczy się dzieją:

[23:14:12][D][mbus:014]: Received C1 A frame
[23:14:12][I][wmbus:092]: Using selected driver mkradio4 (detected driver was )
[23:14:12][I][wmbus:104]: mkradio4 [0x93410895] RSSI: -57dBm T: 3644685095084193953772824366632423FE06A28820257A592F24C42B6FDCC28008C5176C930728AB90F8BAF2AEB3C914D2BEA2523CFE (55) C1 A
[23:14:12][D][meters.cpp:1993]: (meter) created ESPHome mkradio4 93410895 not-encrypted
[23:14:12][W][meters.cpp:688]: (meter) ESPHome: meter detection did not match the selected driver mkradio4! correct driver is: unknown!
(meter) Not printing this warning again for id: 93410895 mfct: (TCH) Techem Service (0x5068) type: Radio converter (meter side) (0x37) ver: 0x95
[23:14:12][W][meters.cpp:692]: (meter) please consider opening an issue at https://github.com/wmbusmeters/wmbusmeters/
[23:14:12][W][meters.cpp:693]: (meter) to add support for this unknown mfct,media,version combination
[23:14:12][D][meters.cpp:922]: (meter) ESPHome(0) mkradio4  handling telegram from 63664382.M=HYD.V=fe.T=06
[23:14:12][W][Telegram.cpp:1799]: (wmbus) WARNING! no key to decrypt payload! Permanently ignoring telegrams from id: 93410895 mfct: (TCH) Techem Service (0x5068) type: Radio converter (meter side) (0x37) ver: 0x95
[23:14:12][D][sensor:094]: 'RSSI Ciepla woda': Sending state -57.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
[23:14:12][W][wmbus:154]: Can't get requested field 'total' with unit 'm³'

Masz przecież napisane czego brakuje.

Tylko że po zdekodowaniu ramki C1, żadnych ciekawych informacji tam nie ma:

Czym w sumie różni się ramka T1 od C1?

Rozumiem że należy zrobić zgłoszenie wmbusmeters do obsługi ramki C1 w driver mkradio4 ?

Auto driver    : not found!
Similar driver : unknown 00/00
Using driver   : unknown 00/00
000   : 36 length (54 bytes)
001   : 44 dll-c (from meter SND_NR)
002   : 6850 dll-mfct (TCH)
004   : 22094193 dll-id (93410922)
008   : 95 dll-version
009   : 37 dll-type (Radio converter (meter side))
010   : 72 tpl-ci-field (EN 13757-3 Application Layer (long tplh))
011   : 08066863 tpl-id (63680608)
015   : 2423 tpl-mfct (HYD)
017   : fe tpl-version
018   : 07 tpl-type (Water meter)
019   : 07 tpl-acc-field
020   : 43 tpl-sts-field (ALARM)
021   : 2025 tpl-cfg 2520 (synchronous AES_CBC_IV nb=2 cntn=0 ra=0 hc=0 )
023 CE: 0EF1C49C1A855F92AF54F0CFF51645813CB151A9C4856110EAB025FFE4A0B625 encrypted


Using: wmbusmeters: 1.17.1-18-g26760f3


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