Wmbusmeters, nanocul problem z konfiguracją


Tak wyglada w configuration.yaml

Dla pewności w integracjach w MQTT kliknij w “KONFIGURUJ”:


następnie w “Nasłuch tematu” wpisz wmbusmeters/#

i rozpocznij nasłuch. Zobacz czy pojawiają Ci się dane z licznika.

Co tu jest źle że nie wyszukuje mojej nakladki na Wodomierz?

Jeśli chcesz na tej wersji dodatku działać (najnowsza to 1.12.0) to zastosuj poniższą konfigurację:

data_path: /config/wmbusmeters
enable_mqtt_discovery: false
  loglevel: debug
  device: auto:t1
  logtelegrams: true
  format: json
  logfile: /dev/stdout
  shell: /wmbusmeters/mosquitto_pub.sh "wmbusmeters/$METER_NAME" "$METER_JSON"
meters: []
mqtt: {}

Przed zmianą zatrzymaj dodatek, następnie w zakładce dodatku “Konfiguracja” kliknij trzy kropeczki u góry z prawej strony i wklej powyższe. Zapisz i uruchom dodatek.
W zakładce dodatku “Logi” powinny Ci spływać odczyty.

Po zmianie jak wyżej Tak mam w logach.

Wklejaj tekst nie zdjęcie logów.
Z jakiego urządzenia korzystasz?

Korzystam z MODUŁ komunikacji CC1101 plus arduino nano

Wmbusmeters (W-MBus to MQTT)
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serialtty) device /dev/ttyUSB0 is already in use and locked.
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serialtty) device /dev/ttyUSB0 is already in use and locked.
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serialtty) device /dev/ttyUSB0 is already in use and locked.
(iu880b) could not open tty /dev/ttyUSB0 for detection
(main) ignoring /dev/ttyUSB0, it does not respond as any of the supported wmbus devices.
(main) device /dev/ttyUSB1 not currently used, detect contents...
(serial) check if /dev/ttyUSB1 can be accessed
(serial) tty /dev/ttyUSB1 can be accessed
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) before config: /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B115200) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,9,24) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serial) after config:  /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B9600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,80,196,103,250,127,248) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serialtty) opened /dev/ttyUSB1 fd 9 (detect amb8465/amb3665)
(serial) received binary ""
(amb8465/3665) sending 6 bytes attempt 0
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "FF0A02008077"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(amb8465/3665) sent 6 bytes OK
(amb8465/3665) reading response... 1
(serial) received binary ""
(amb8465/3665) reading response... 2
(serial) received binary ""
(amb8465/3665) reading response... 3
(serial) received binary ""
(amb8465/3665) are you there? no.
(serialtty) closed /dev/ttyUSB1 (detect amb8465/amb3665)
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) before config: /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B9600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,8,24) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serial) after config:  /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B57600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,32,196,103,250,127,248) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serialtty) opened /dev/ttyUSB1 fd 8 (detect im871a)
(serial) received binary ""
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "A5010F00"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary ""
(im871a/im170a) are you there? no.
(serialtty) closed /dev/ttyUSB1 (detect im871a)
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) before config: /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B57600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,8,24) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serial) after config:  /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B19200) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,96,196,103,250,127,248) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serialtty) opened /dev/ttyUSB1 fd 8 (detect rc1180)
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "00"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary ""
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "30"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary ""
(serialtty) closed /dev/ttyUSB1 (detect rc1180)
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(rc1180) are you there? no.
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) before config: /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B19200) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,8,24) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serial) after config:  /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B38400) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,160,196,103,250,127,248) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serialtty) opened /dev/ttyUSB1 fd 8 (detect cul)
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "560D0A"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary ""
(cul) probe response ""
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "560D0A"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary ""
(cul) probe response ""
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "560D0A"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary ""
(cul) probe response ""
(serialtty) closed /dev/ttyUSB1 (detect cul)
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(cul) are you there? no
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) before config: /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B38400) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,8,24) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serial) after config:  /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B115200) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,48,196,103,250,127,248) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serialtty) opened /dev/ttyUSB1 fd 8 (detect iu880b)
(serial) received binary ""
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0"
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "C001030424C0"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary ""
(iu880b) are you there? no.
(serialtty) closed /dev/ttyUSB1 (detect iu880b)
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(main) ignoring /dev/ttyUSB1, it does not respond as any of the supported wmbus devices.
No wmbus device detected, waiting for a device to be plugged in.
(shell) exec (capture output) "/bin/pidof"
(shell) arg "wmbusmetersd"
(shell) output: >>><<<
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(shell) return code 1
(shell) 179 exited
(shell) exec (capture output) "/bin/pidof"
(shell) arg "wmbusmeters"
(shell) output: >>>175
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(shell) return code 0
(shell) 180 exited
(serial) registered regular callback HOT_PLUG_DETECTOR(0) every 2 seconds
No meters configured. Printing id:s of all telegrams heard!
(serial) waiting for stop

Nie korzystałem z powyższego, ale masz ten moduł poprawnie skonfigurowany?
Pytam bo w logu jest informacja:

it does not respond as any of the supported wmbus devices.
No wmbus device detected, waiting for a device to be plugged in.

Z tego co pamiętam tam się wgrywało tylko jakiś plik. Myślisz że ponownie powinienem wgrać ten plik?

W tej kwestii nie pomogę - jak pisałem wyżej nie miałem do czynienia z tą konstrukcją.

Teraz tego wpisu w logach nie ma.

(config) "device" "auto:t1"
(wmbusmeters) version: 1.12.0-5-ga1d55b3
(config) number of meters: 0
(main) device /dev/ttyUSB0 not currently used, detect contents...
(serial) check if /dev/ttyUSB0 can be accessed
(serial) tty /dev/ttyUSB0 can be accessed
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serialtty) device /dev/ttyUSB0 is already in use and locked.
(amb8465/3665) could not open tty /dev/ttyUSB0 for detection
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serialtty) device /dev/ttyUSB0 is already in use and locked.
(im871a) could not open tty /dev/ttyUSB0 for detection
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serialtty) device /dev/ttyUSB0 is already in use and locked.
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serialtty) device /dev/ttyUSB0 is already in use and locked.
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serialtty) device /dev/ttyUSB0 is already in use and locked.
(iu880b) could not open tty /dev/ttyUSB0 for detection
(main) ignoring /dev/ttyUSB0, it does not respond as any of the supported wmbus devices.
(main) device /dev/ttyUSB1 not currently used, detect contents...
(serial) check if /dev/ttyUSB1 can be accessed
(serial) tty /dev/ttyUSB1 can be accessed
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) before config: /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B38400) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,8,35) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serial) after config:  /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B9600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,48,127,225,253,127,248) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serialtty) opened /dev/ttyUSB1 fd 8 (detect amb8465/amb3665)
(serial) received binary ""
(amb8465/3665) sending 6 bytes attempt 0
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "FF0A02008077"
(amb8465/3665) sent 6 bytes OK
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(amb8465/3665) reading response... 1
(serial) received binary ""
(amb8465/3665) reading response... 2
(serial) received binary ""
(amb8465/3665) reading response... 3
(serial) received binary ""
(amb8465/3665) are you there? no.
(serialtty) closed /dev/ttyUSB1 (detect amb8465/amb3665)
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) before config: /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B9600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,8,35) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serial) after config:  /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B57600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,127,225,253,127,248) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serialtty) opened /dev/ttyUSB1 fd 8 (detect im871a)
(serial) received binary ""
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "A5010F00"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary ""
(im871a/im170a) are you there? no.
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serialtty) closed /dev/ttyUSB1 (detect im871a)
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) before config: /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B57600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,8,35) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serial) after config:  /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B19200) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,64,127,225,253,127,248) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serialtty) opened /dev/ttyUSB1 fd 8 (detect rc1180)
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "00"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary ""
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "30"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary ""
(serialtty) closed /dev/ttyUSB1 (detect rc1180)
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(rc1180) are you there? no.
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) before config: /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B19200) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,8,35) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serial) after config:  /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B38400) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,128,127,225,253,127,248) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serialtty) opened /dev/ttyUSB1 fd 8 (detect cul)
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "560D0A"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary "3F2028F8807820697320756E6B6E6F776E2920557365206F6E65206F662042206220432065204620472069204B206C204D20522054207420562057205820780D0A"
(cul) probe response "? (<F8><80>x is unknown) Use one of B b C e F G i K l M R T t V W X x<0D><0A>"
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "560D0A"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary "5620312E3637206E616E6F43554C3836380D0A"
(cul) probe response "V 1.67 nanoCUL868<0D><0A>"
(serialtty) closed /dev/ttyUSB1 (detect cul)
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(cul) are you there? yes
(main) opening t1
Started auto cul on /dev/ttyUSB1 listening on t1
(cul) on /dev/ttyUSB1
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) before config: /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B38400) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,8,35) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serial) after config:  /dev/ttyUSB1 speed(B38400) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars(127,96,120,225,253,127,248) modem(DTR|RTS)
(serialtty) opened /dev/ttyUSB1 fd 8 (cul)
(main) regular reset of cul  on /dev/ttyUSB1 will happen every 82800 seconds
(cul) set link mode t
(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "6272740D0A"
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) received binary "544D4F44450D0A"
(cul) checkCULFrame "TMODE<0D><0A>"
(cul) no leading 'b' so it is text and no frame
(cul) received "TMODE"(serial /dev/ttyUSB1) sent "5832310D0A"
(wmbus) no alarm (expected activity) for cul
(serial) EVENT thread interrupted
(serial) registered regular callback HOT_PLUG_DETECTOR(0) every 2 seconds
No meters configured. Printing id:s of all telegrams heard!
(serial) waiting for stop

Bo teraz działa, nie wiem dlaczego, może się pochwal co zrobiłeś?
Nie wiem jak działa ten wsad do Arduino (tzn. czy będą jakieś błędy gdy np. CC1101 się zawiesi lub zjara).

Wgrałem ponownie soft do arduino nano pzez xloadera ale nadal nie wyszukuje nakładki

No to może się pochwal tą konstrukcją jakieś fotki?
masz wersję z konwerterem logiki zasilaną z 5V czy wersję bez konwertera i zasilasz to 3,3V? (generalnie CC1101 powinien być zasilany i tak 3,3V)

Tak z innej beczki.
Jeśli w konfiguracji zamiast auto podasz jakie to urządzenie, to ryzyko zwisu z powodu autowykrywania spada do zera.

Robiłem według postu tego gościa.

Ja p**dole.
umiesz linka wstawić?

A jeśli tak uwielbiasz obrazki to może chociaż zdjęcia sprzętu porobić to może sobie ktoś sam rozczai, to czym się nie chcesz chwalić.

Tak w ciemno to przyjmij, że CC1101 się zjarało, albo że liczniki nie nadają o tej porze.

Grupa jest prywatna i zamknięta więc do dupy takie linki.

Właściwie, to czemu sprzedawca nie udziela wsparcia?

Nie mam/nie korzystam z facebook-a, autor powyższego napisał jaki zasięg ma ten nanoCUL?
Daleko jest od Twoich liczników?

Nano Cull mam podpiętę pod RPI nakładkę położyłem 1m od tego nanoculla

Montowałeś go na przedłużce?