Czy w przyszłości liczniki energii elektrycznej mają nadawać sygnał wM-Bus?

I am not writing here the words which comes into my mind regarding this company, because most of them would be vulgar, and some would refer to a historical period of the country and its remnants of that period.

The person, who drafted the aforementioned law had different intentions with the end date, but they use it as a loophole to avoid to do anything.

And guess, which operator has no information on any of the remote reading meters on their website?

But they have a Pilot project (again):

And they are far behind than anybody else (page 17):

13 years later!!!

I have been a meter installer for Enea Operator since June, what is happening now is a joke, in 2024 electronic meters whose legalization has passed will have to be replaced with induction meters, I happened to install induction meters from 1977 :rofl:, this mental concrete in the Enea measurement department needs to be replaced.


By the way, I have an AM550 meter from 2022 installed in one location, I was thinking about Home Wizard, because AM550 should support the DSMR protocol

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Iskra AM550 from Enea has a deliberately does not want to issue a decryption key, so without it you can not read anything from the meter. When I asked them to issue such a key, they remotely cut the power on the P1 port :slight_smile:

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to destroy it :rofl::joy: and replace it with a new one

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Probably :wink:

no less, I am curious what these idiots will do if someone ask them for a bidder for dynamic energy billing :smiley:

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This seems like some real shit that you cannot really make up. I though that the regulation requires that Smart meters should be installed after some date already. But seeing this, I would think, that wasn’t a requirement.

I showed my wife last time when we visited the local vet, that his office has one of these induction meters, meanwhile at our place we changed meter twice during the past 2.5 years. And questioned her how is this can be possible…

That Iskra MT174 is really capable. That can be used with solar as well, as they are bidirectional. Also you can read them with a Onemeter device easily.

@opensource4life, of course ENEA doesn’t give you the key, because they have absolutely no clue about how does it work. And likely they have 0 resources to do it. The question regarding the dynamic pricing is really valid. They are not prepared for that either.
But think of it that way. Now, they can outsource the work of reading those meters to a person without even 8 classes of study, no need to worry about a tablet or laptop to read the meter’s memory hourly, because it does not exist. A lot of saving on labour and equipment.

But then how does it fit into ENEA’s AI pilot project:

A side note on that. More than a month ago technicians came to the meter, and told my wife they are measuring something. They went around the neighbourhood and did it on multiple meters. I can only guess that they were measuring line voltage, but these meters should have sensors which measurements should be transmitted centrally.

today when I was taking measurements from three-phase meters in the warehouse I got only MT-174 for recipients without PV, and from single-phase inductive Landis Gyr from the CM100

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Aren’t that two cardboard boxed units Iskra AM550? I believe I have seen that before, when I told an installer to come back, when he will have the paperwork according the requirements for a smart meter, as per the law…

The one who replaced the meter to the “smart” meter, has not even rang the doorbell, just shut off the power without asking that is anybody inside on life support or not…

yes. I don’t have any documents for the meters, I’m just a servant who has to install them…

Of course you don’t have. ENEA is the only DSO in the country who does not provide any information, see the post referenced below.

I would be really curious if anybody is able to settle on a dynamic pricing contract with them.

Trochę inaczej wygląda to w PGE
Złożyłem wniosek do PGE podparty ustawą i rozporządzeniem UE, dodatkowo wydrukowałem grafikę ze strony PGE.
Po 2 tygodniach od wysłania poleconym z potwierdzeniem odbioru, telefony do PGE
Dodzwonić się to szczęście wielkie. Po kilkunastu próbach udało złapać kontakt z oddziałem PGE - Łódź, Zgierz. Dostałem wniosek o zapłatę za wymianę na nowy licznik, 400 parę złotych, po wpłacie na konto PGE po 2 tygodniach reklamowałem w PGE, że kasę wpłaciłem a nic nie robią, wysłano email potwierdzenia wpłaty. Upłyną miesiąc i tu nagle telefon od kierownika oddziału ( PIERWSZY I ROZUMNY CZŁOWIEK W PGE), umówił mi termin wymiany za 7 dni.
Dobrze że byłem w domu przy wymianie, ponieważ monter miał kilkanaście liczników, miał mi zamontować OTUS3, ale bez MBUS, ponieważ PGE od dłuższego czasu nie mogło odczytywać z mojego licznika.

Wytłumaczyłem Panu monterowi po co ta zmiana i dlaczego ten OTUS3 się nie nadaje. Wykonał telefon do kierownika i była zgoda na montaż licznika z WMBUS.
Znaleźliśmy 1 szt. GAMA350 z opisem WMBUS i ten mi założyli. następny tydzień i nic, po kilku telefonach dostałem klucz z PGE do licznika 32 cyfry.
Od 1 zgłoszenia do uruchomienia upłynęło 8 miesięcy :slight_smile:

W rozmowie z monterem dowiedziałem się że moja fanaberia to jakaś dla nich nowość:) i na moim rejonie energetycznym Zgierz- Pabianice był to 1 montaż.

Zakłady energetyczne a Prawo to dwie różne kwestie. nawet kierownicy oddziałów nie mają szkoleń a monter musi wykonać polecenie, ten Pan który u mnie wymieniał był bardzo sympatyczny i to On zadzwonił do przełożonych o zgodę na zmianę.

Pewnie musimy poczekać na zmianę pokoleniową w spółkach energetycznych.
Montaż UNISMART na gazomierzu bez problemów :slight_smile: czas czekania na zgodę tydzień :slight_smile:
MOŻNA :slight_smile:

1 polubienie

A powiedz mi coś więcej na temat tego UNISMART na gazomierzu jak to załatwiłeś i gada to z modułem wmbus tutaj z tego forum ? Bo mam WMBUS i używam ze swoim wodomierzem w domu. Też jestem z rejonu Zgierza. I gdzie kupiłeś przystawkę tą do komunikacji do gazomierza…?

1 polubienie

That is a bit of different animal… Many of us from ENEA has the smart meter Iskra AM550 or Apator OTUS3. Either with a P1 port (AM550) or with P1 port (sealed!!!) and WMBUS (OTUS3).

ENEA with full blast refuses to do anything.

My experience with the installers was completely the opposite as yours. (Dumb as F.) Even the younger one has had no intention know or learn anything about the meters that he was installing. The last one was absolutely rude, as he turned up unannounced, not even asked that anybody is at home or what not.
ENEA told after my first complaint, when I did not let the guy install the smart meter, that they will contact me and agree on the installation. We have been never contacted, and other installers were just popping up randomly to replace the meters, of course, all of them without any paper work…

Napisałem do PGNiG w swoim rejonie prośbę o montaż telemetrii, dołączyłem do pisma kopie ATEX i instrukcji.
Dostałem odpowiedź o zgodzie i możliwość montażu, wyłamanie klapki zabezpieczającej i włożenie UNISMART.
Jeżeli chodzi o odczyty to dzięki @_Szczepan odczytuję poprzez ESPHOME
natomiast wmbusmeters HA i modem DVBT nie odczytuje gazomierza
Daje radę z energią elektryczną (amiplus) wodomierzami (apator162) gazu nie udało mi się poprzez rtlwmbus odczytać.
ESPHOME nie zżera zasobów HA natomiast gubi masę telegramów, rtlwmbus odczytuje systematycznie
Wodomierze apator 162 - co 5 minut lub wystąpiła zmiana
Gama 350 elektryka - co 2 minuty
Gazomierz - brak telegramów
Wodomierze apator 162 - odczyty nierównomierne po zmianie stanu
Gama 350 elektryka - średnio co 5 do 15 minut
Gazomierz - odczyty nierównomierne po zmianie stanu

Porównanie odczytów
Gdzieś doczytałem iż iM871A-USB na wmbusmeters HA odczytuje gazomierz.
ale ma pojawić się nowa wersja od września to poczekam :slight_smile:

iU891A – Wireless M-Bus USB Adapter

No ja mam odbiornik od szczepana na ESPHome.
A nakładkę na gazomierz gdzie kupiłeś itd ? Możesz wysłać mi na priv dokładnie krok po kroku jak załatwić to z gazomierzem oraz jakieś kopie pism co wysyłałeś z usunięciem Twoich danych oczywiście… Chciałbym rozpocząć sprawdzoną już ścieżkę.
Ile płaciłeś za montaż nakładki przez serwisanta kotła ?

Could you please start a new topic for this? I think many would be interested about it!

Today Enea replaced my meter (1st from the beggining of house 2016 I dont remember model) on which I used OneMeter just to collect my average usage and reconsider PV installation. OneMeter started collecting data from June and Eneas 1st reading with my sensor was on beginning of July. Today service told me that they need to change it for inductive type - quite old I think Pafal type C52. Why it is like that ? They are hidding something or what ? I use 2000-2100 kwh per year without any PV just a simple house so I start thinking if they are cheating on meter readings or what the hell?

I read the Energy Law again yesterday, there is no limitations on using conventional meters. It only talks about modernisation. It does not say that you cannot do a step back. If a meter was purchased or tendered before the changes of the law came out, then they need to modernise it by 2031.

Clearly not what a customer would expect, but they are just using the meters which they still have in stock and should have been used in the past 10 years or so, and should have not purchased anymore again. The last tended which was published from ENEA for smart meters was in February, I believe the first and last since the change of the law. (I don’t have a link at the moment.) Those meters purchased there will be the first ones to comply fully with the law…

Not an answer that you are expecting, but that’s how ENEA rolls backward…

Maybe send an email to them that you want if they would enable local reading according their terms and services!

Aiming your comments to a technical news site would be advisable also, just to show where the company is heading. It would might give their technical/PR/management a bit of headache. I wouldn’t be surprise if western technical news sites would puck it up, because it is the joke of the year!

This is the link to the last tender for meters with W-mBus. These must comply with the requirements set out in the law, as they were tendered and purchased after the law came into effect.